In 2014 Jubilee Arts worked with Morgan State professors, artist and students to create a vibrant photographic display in Jubilee’s storefront window space. The installation, funded by the Baltimore Community Foundation, has made our corner more radiant and beautiful. Through the window installation and other efforts we are working towards our mission to celebrate the arts and honor the legacy of culture on Pennsylvania Avenue.
This project consisted of collecting historical photographs and also taking new photographs of life in the neighborhood today. Artists also collected quotes from current residents about their neighborhood to include in the piece. The two lead artists, Chris Metzger and Kelli Williams of Morgan State University, then compiled all of these elements into a ten-panel photographic montage semi-permanently installed in window front at Jubilee Arts.
Keeping the visual story-telling aesthetic in mind we were excited about including the historical Irving Henry Phillips photographs. Phillips was from a family with many generations of Baltimore photographers and through his grandson we were able to gain access to his collection. In our community positive messages and our history are often over looked, under reported and even forgotten. The BCF has allowed us to display this powerful message and accurate depiction of our community right here in our very own window. The quotes, the images, the vibrant colors will provide a constant reminder of hope and pride in our community.
The photographic window installation project was a collective effort by many different organizations, volunteers and artists. We’d like to give a huge thanks to Morgan State for the volunteers, studio space, digital equipment and all the helping hands they lent us.
Have you seen the new window display on Jubilee’s store-front? Check out how it was created:
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