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Youth learning professional development skills

Art @ Work: Sandtown

It’s officially summertime and that means community arts are in full swing. This summer The Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts, in partnership with Jubilee Arts, launch Art @ Work: Sandtown, a five-week summer employment program for Baltimore City youth. The program is in partnership with the Baltimore City “Youth Works” initiative, a workforce development program that matches teens between the ages of 14 and 21 to five-week work experiences with private sector, nonprofit, and city and state government employers.

We are excited to be working with eighty Baltimore teens who will be given summer jobs while also gaining invaluable life skills. Throughout the program, youth will interact with other Sandtown community members, African-American business owners and local artists. Not to mention the students will also receive workforce development with financial literacy training, as well as leadership development for areas such as public speaking, community activism, interview preparation, and resume writing.

Art @ Work: Sandtown’s misson is to introduce youth to career opportunities in the arts, offer gainful employment in a positive learning environment and to provide Sandtown youth with the tools to express themselves through the arts, all while beautifying the community. Sounds like a perfect summer gig to us!



Stay tuned for all of the beautiful art that these young people will be creating this summer! #JUBILEESUMMER15

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