You’ll rarely see Jach’e without a smile on her face because she believes at having fun. Hence why she loves Art @ Work, which she sometimes calls fun at work.
Jach’e Haynie is one of Art at Work’s artist interns this year. Last year, she was one of the youth workers. She said that because she was in between the ages of the interns and the other youth workers, her lead artist allowed her to help in a supervising capacity. Now, as artist intern, she is able to act as an actual supervisor. She says what helps her most in this role is understanding where the youth are coming from, having been in their job only a year ago.
“I am so blessed to have had all of these opportunities and to collaborate with the people I’ve had the privilege to work with and work for,” said Jach’e.
Jach’e said although the transition to intern was interesting because she already knew many of the youth workers, with the support of her lead artist Julie Horton, she believes it to be a success. The whole group has been able to attune to each other quickly and have fun doing the work that needed to be done.
Jach’e said the most important thing she does is level with the youth and put forth a good example. She wants them to know that they can be where she is next year if they work hard and put forth effort. By giving the youth workers the room and space to be themselves, while also fulfilling their job requirements, Jach’e seeks to encourage them to be productive members of the community.
The experience she had with Youthworks Baltimore last year helped her to obtain her other current job at Forever 21. She discussed the importance of building a resume and the role Jubilee Arts has played in helping her expand her job opportunities. She is considering a permanent job in a community building.
“When you try new things, you always get different results,” said Jach’e. “If you aren’t learning new things, you aren’t growing. You have to get out of your comfort zone and learn from what you see.”
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