We’re Hiring!
We’re seeking a new Youth In Business Program Manager
Interested? View the position overview: Program Manager Job Description 2019
Deadline to apply is 5:00pm, May 29, 2019
Get involved with Jubilee Arts by joining a class, donating, or volunteering!
Interested in volunteering? Look through our volunteer options below and apply through our online registration form. Have any additional questions? Email or call Nora Howell, 410 728 1199, info@jubileeartsbaltimore.org.
Youth volunteers are welcome.
Volunteer/Intern Opportunities
Teaching Assistant
2.5 hours per week
Either 3:00-5:30p, Mon. thru Thurs.
Teaching artist assistants are an essential element in making Jubilee Arts a safe, fun and creative space for our youth. As an assistant you will have an incredible opportunity to get to know our youth, create art with them, and be a part of their growth as young artists. Our lead artist truly depend on our teaching assistants in making our art classes a success.
Volunteers responsibilities include:
-Working with lead teacher to implement art projects
-Assisting youth with their projects
-Taking attendance
-Serving dinner
-Making reminder phone calls to participants
-Assist youth and lead teacher with set-up and clean-up
Dinner Manager
5 hours per week
Monday thru Thursday, 4:45-5:30p daily
Jubilee provides a hot dinner for all of our participants, as dinner manager you will be responsible for ensuring everyone is fed and happy!
-Set-up and serve dinner for 15 youth
-Keep records of meals served
-Clean up serving utensils and dispose of left over food
Fundraising Events
1-2 hour a week
Flexible days
Work with Jubilee Arts staff in coordinating details for two annual fundraising events.
– Reach out to corporate sponsors to support Jubilee Art’s fundraisers
– Event coordination
– Marketing and promotion